Thursday, December 8, 2016


Sorry about the huge gap since the last post.  Must do better.
 In addition to all our usual activities and preaching, we preached at Denby Dale.
 We went on holiday to the midlands where Susannah tried to emulate St. Francis.

 We attended worship at Moira church.

 Later in the year we preached at Ruskington Church in the morning and

 at Dorrington church in the evening.
 The circuit held its stall in the Norfolk Park on the occasion of Sheffield Show in August.

 Later in the year we preached at Heath End Church, after going round Nuneaton completely and leaving on the same road we came in by.
 The church has recently been renovated from the school room,
whilst the old church on the other side of the road has been sold.

There have also been circuit meetings to go to (and chair), leaflets and Christmas cards to print and distribute, as well as newsletters.