It may seem strange for church pastors to be concerned about the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr, but we live in an area alongside many Muslims. Over the years we have established a tradition of giving as many of our neighbours as possible a cake to help them in their celebration of Eid. This means that Jonathan spent many hours on the 10th and 11th of September baking Swiss rolls, which were given to 8 local families. We are not aware of any special significance of Swiss rolls to Muslims!, but our conversations with Asian families have taught us that this is an aspect of English cookery which they appreciate. The gifts have resulted in many interesting conversations over the years, often a small gift of Pakistani food in return, and frequently a Christmas Card later in the year.
The church meeting on the 15th required some communication (mostly email) with the secretary in order to establish what the agenda would be.
Sunday September 19th was the last Cafe church for the summer which required Saturday being spent in preparing worship materials and baking.
The lack of a car meant that the shopping for the Supper club was a bit more involved that normal, but the problem was solved by several trips using a shopping trolley.
The coffee morning on 25th in aid of Macmillan was a success, and was followed by our friends from Richmond church using our premises for their "awayday"
Susannah celebrated communion on Sunday 26th morning whilst the team from Fulwood church led the worship.
In the evening Jonathan preached at our Philadelphia church and Susannah sang a solo ot the celebration of their anniversary, it was 45 years since the current building was opened.
Susannah attended a meeting and lunch to celebrate the acquisition of the new minibus for Pitsmoor and Shiregreen community transport on Wednesday 29th. This was held at Shiregreen United Reformed Church.
On Thursday 30th, Susannah chaired the circuit meeting at Owlerton church. Jonathan attended the meeting.