Monday, May 14, 2012

April 2012

 April has been a wet month, which has meant that the mowing has taken a back seat.  We are hoping that the ground will dry sufficiently before the grass requires a machete!
Susannah spent part of Monday the 16thshopping for the tea on Tuesday.  The she had to spend Tuesday preparing it. 
Thursday the 19th was the circuit  Local Preachers and Leaders of Worship Fellowship.  This was held at our Hampden View Church at 7-00p.m.  Jonathan Led the meeting on the theme of Sermon Preparation.  The topic was the cleansing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19)
Jonathan was preaching at our Grimesthorpe Church in the evening of the 22nd.
On Tuesday 24th, most of the shopping for the supper club wasdone, so that the fresh produce and fish could be bought on Thursday.  Susannah and Jonathan then spent Thursday afternoon preparing the meal for about 30.  
Saturday, susannah took out posters for the coffee morning on May 5th.
On Sunday 29th, Susannah was preaching at our Grimesthorpe Church in the evening.