October was a busy month for both of us. Friday 1st saw Susannah at chapel for the preparations to get the chapel ready for Harvest Thanksgiving and the food festival. There was shoping to be done to get the food for the festival, an early start to the market was necessary.
Susannah was again busy with the food festival on the Saturday and then she preached at the morning service. Jonathan preached at the evening communion service.
Friday the 8th saw us both at chapel to put the meat in the slow cooker to prepare the pies for the next day. The peas also had to be soaked.
On Sunday the 10th it was "Connexional Plan" and Jonathan was at Ibstock 

whilst Susannah was at nearby New Swannington. Since we are without a car at the moment we were very grateful for Ray taking us and bringing us back.
On Thursday 14th, Susannah was speaking at Dodworth Methodist Church (where we were married) in the evening and travelled by train. whilst on Sunday 17th Jonathan was preaching at our Philadelphia chapel.
On Sunday 24th, Jonathan was preaching at Tapton Hill Congregational Church.
Thursday and Friday saw us preparing for the festival of light by shopping for the food and swedes to make lanterns. Last week we were in a branch of a well known supermarket and they had lorry loads of swedes. This week we went to another branch of the same supermarket; not a swede in sight!
The evening before. Jonathan was sorting sweet wrappers. The congregation had been asked to save wrappers from sweets for the lantern and "stained glass window" making. what a lot of toffees they have eaten! The festival was an encouraging success, and will be adapted for next year.