Monday 2nd saw Jonathan and Susannah shopping for the meal on Tuesday. Since it was only a small group (about 10), this was not too difficult a task. Susannah still had to spend most of Tuesday cooking at church so that the rest ofus could enjoy: Spring vegetable soup, lamb casserole with new potatoes, and boiled and roast vegetables, followed by rhubarb fool. Tear and share bread was used at the start to remind us Jesus breaking bread and dipping it in the bowl . A jug of fruit juice was used as a palate cleanser after the meal to remind us that he took the cup and shared it after the meal. 

Our circuit service on Good Friday morning at St Mary's Wesleyan Reform Church was led by Rev. Alan Hindmarch who challenged us to consider whether there were those who we found it difficult to love. The service was well attended, and 8 of the 12 churches in the circuit were represented.
After the service, Jonathan went to the bakery to collect the hot cross buns for Mayfield.
The coffeemorning on Saturday and services on Sunday passed off without incident. Saturday required Jonathan to be looking for pictures of the resurrection on the internet so that peoplecould be given an Aide-memoire on Sunday morning. there are lot out there!