Readers may be aware that Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville Florida has stated that he will be burning copies of the Koran to mark the anniverary of the terrorosm attack on New York (11th September). I have been unable to find a email address for Rev. Jones, but I have sent the email below to the city authorities with the a request that they forward it to him.
Dear Rev. Jones,
At our church prayer meeting on Tuesday we prayed for you, your church, and the people who will be affected by your proposed actions.
In Matthew's Gospel (ch 5:44), Jesus urges "Love (agape) your enemies." and "Pray for those who persecute you" Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 13) gives us an exposition of what love (agape) is, and in his letter to the Ephesians (4:16) urges the body to build itself up (edify) in love.
You will undoubtedly say that you are free to do that which you propose, and I cannot argue with you, but may I remind you that in his first letter to the Corinthians (10: 23), Paul says that all things are permissible, but that does not necessarily make them beneficial or constructive (edifying).
I urge you to prayerfully consider whether your actions are worthy of our Lord's call to love; whether they are beneficial; whether they will edify. If any of these questions cannot be answered with an unqualified "yes", then I urge you to reconsider your course and make any protest which you feel necessary in a more loving, constructive and less confrontational manner.
Yours in the service of the Lord,
Jonathan Youdan
Pastor Mayfield Wesleyan Reform Church
Sheffield, England
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
August 2010
The month started with Susannah preaching at the Philadelphia church in the morning. Later that week we were visiting members of the congregation.
Susannah attended the needlework day on the 14th and bought the flowers for church the following day when it was our son's turn to provide them. The materials for the café church were printed and laminated. The seeds to plant had to be bought.
Susannah was camping at church with our dog for the camp weekend, Jonathan was working and at home looking after the animals. He was also preparing and printing the orders of service for the animal service the next day. This went well.

The shopping had to be done for the supper club, one supermarket never has everything we need for a menu!
Afterwards we had to put the pulpit back into the church ready for the wedding on Sunday.
On Saturday 28th we had the rehearsal for the wedding which was to take place the following day. Susannah was the flower arranger for the Sunday, so she did a pedestal display ready the both the morning service and the wedding. 
On Sunday, Susannah was preaching at Hillsborough Trinity Methodist Church in the morning, and then making the journey back to Mayfield to take part in the wedding. Unfortunately, the car expired on Fulwood Road in a cloud of smoke and steam! Fortunately, a passing motorist stopped and asked if she could be any help, Susannah arrived at the chapel just in time for the service. 
Afterwards, the car was successfully started and coaxed home, but the cloud of smoke indicated that all was not well!! It has since been decided that it was beyond economic repair.
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