Sunday, December 11, 2011
An apology:
We have been experiencing a few difficulties with our hardware recently which means that the blog has not been updated for some time. We hope to bring you the edited highlights of the last few months as soon as possible, but because December is a busy time, it may take a few days to get up to date. Please bear with us, and Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
June 2011
June was a busy month for both of us. It started with printing and distributing about 500 copies of the "Summer 2011" what's on leaflet. These were taken round the area of the chapel to that people knew about the upcoming events, especially the flower festival at the start of July.
On the 4th, Susannah was at a prayer and prophecy meeting at St. Peter's, Ellesmere. On the 6th she led the ladies' fellowship at Hatfield House Lane Methodist church, her theme was "Hymns of my life."
On &th July Susannah was taking a funeral, and then on the 8th, she was attending a meeting to plan the W.R.U. half yearly meeting when it comes to Sheffield in November.
The 9th was the circuit meeting, at Mayfield.
In the evenings of 16th and 21st, Jonathan was mowing the field at chapel. The church ride-on mower is in need of a service, but this did not deter Susannah from deciding that the grass needed mowing, so Jonathan had to do it with the flymo!
The 16th to the 18th saw Susannah at the W.R.U. conference at Swanwick. Whilst the evening of the 18th saw Jonathan baking for the "Open Gate" on the 19th.
The following week meant that Jonathan had to print the programmes, newsletters and leaflets for the flower festival. On 21st, Susannah and Jonathan were shopping for the supper club.
On 25th, susannah was at Peterborough for a celebration of the anniversary of "Christians against Poverty".On 26th, Susannah, Jamie and Nathan led our Sunday service based on the ideas which had come from the "Redefine Sheffield" events which the boys had been on.
On 29th and 30th, we were both at chapel preparing for the flower festival at the start of July.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday 9th was the mens' breakfast and Jonathan had to cook breakfast because Dave was in London for the day with work.
Tuesday 10th, Susannah had to be at chapel to allow the piano tuner in.
Wednesday 18th, Susannah was off with the alterations sub committee to look at kitchen equipment. Later that day she was at the Ladies meeting, and finally represented the church at a meeting of the friends of the Mayfield Environmental Education Centre.
After Church on 22nd May, Jonathan stayed behind in order to try to complete the mowing of the grass, started previously.
Tuesday 22nd May was a Tuesday, but we were shopping for the supper club. On Wednesday Nathan, Susannah and Jonathan made several visits to chapel to transport the shopping. After work, Susannah and Jonathan were cooking, preparing and setting the tables ready for Thursday.
Friday 27th, we both went down after work to clean and tidy after the meal.
The bank holiday weekend was spent printing leaflets, newsletters, posters and letters ready for the next few months.
April and Easter 2011
Susannah went to lead the morning service at our Denby Dale church on April 3rd for Mothering Sunday. This meant catching the first train and being met at the station at the time when the service was due to start.
On Friday 8th April Susannah travelled to Bradford to meet the pastor's wife at one of our churches there. There was some discussion about possibilities for mission, both in this country and elsewhere. Following the visit Jonathan collected a selection of the materials which have been used at Mayfield in recent years, and posted them for the people at Bradford to look at.
9th and 10th April saw the centenary of our Owlerton church and Susannah visited the exhibition on Saturday. She was preaching on Sunday so Jonathan visited the evening service and looked at the exhibition then.
Susannah preached at Mayfield at 10-30a.m. and Grimesthorpe at 6-15p.m. on April 10th.
Saturday 16th saw Susannah visiting Coal Aston for the A.G.M. of the Women of Action.
21st April saw Jonathan mowing the grass round the bog garden in order to allow the plants to flourish. Susannah got the chapel ready for the Friday evening service.
Susannah led the circuit service at St. Mary's Wesleyan Reform Church at 8-00a.m. After the service, Jonathan went to the bakery to collect the hot cross buns ordered for the weekend events.
After the Easter weekend, Jonathan had to start sorting out the church deeds ready for the land registry and the appointment of new trustees. As part of the process, he photographed the documents to provide a permanent record.
Wednesday April 27th saw both Susannah and Jonathan shopping for the supper club.
On Friday 8th April Susannah travelled to Bradford to meet the pastor's wife at one of our churches there. There was some discussion about possibilities for mission, both in this country and elsewhere. Following the visit Jonathan collected a selection of the materials which have been used at Mayfield in recent years, and posted them for the people at Bradford to look at.
9th and 10th April saw the centenary of our Owlerton church and Susannah visited the exhibition on Saturday. She was preaching on Sunday so Jonathan visited the evening service and looked at the exhibition then.
Susannah preached at Mayfield at 10-30a.m. and Grimesthorpe at 6-15p.m. on April 10th.
Saturday 16th saw Susannah visiting Coal Aston for the A.G.M. of the Women of Action.
21st April saw Jonathan mowing the grass round the bog garden in order to allow the plants to flourish. Susannah got the chapel ready for the Friday evening service.
Susannah led the circuit service at St. Mary's Wesleyan Reform Church at 8-00a.m. After the service, Jonathan went to the bakery to collect the hot cross buns ordered for the weekend events.
After the Easter weekend, Jonathan had to start sorting out the church deeds ready for the land registry and the appointment of new trustees. As part of the process, he photographed the documents to provide a permanent record.
Wednesday April 27th saw both Susannah and Jonathan shopping for the supper club.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
March 2011
Susannah led the midweek fellowship at our Philadelphia Church on March 2nd. Her theme was wise owls. The following day was our leaders' meeting. This is not as formal as it sounds, we are in the habit of holding the meeting in a local restaurant and having a meal as we discuss the church business.
On March 9th, Jonathan represented the church at a meeting about the future of the Mayfield Environmental Education Centre next door. There has been some discussion about the possibility of the council closing the centre, and a number of concerned people attended. We agreed to write to councillors and meet again in a month.
On the 10th Susannah and Jonathan represented the church at the circuit meeting held at our Hampden View Church. Susannah chaired the meeting.
On the 11th and 12th, Jamie and Nathan went on the second session of the "Redefine Sheffield" meetings at St. Thomas'.
On the 13th Susannah preached at Philadelphia church again.
On the 19th Susannah went straight from the coffee morning to the Missions meeting at our Richmond Church. She found this interesting and was inspired to consider further what sort of Mission she could be involved in.
On the 20th Susannah preached at Tapton Hill congregational Church in the afternoon.
Towards the end of March a new edition of the newsletter had to the written and printed. alongside this there was information about the church in Asoha, India, with which we are now twinned. This information is available on the website. Follow the link to the mayfieldwrc blog on this blog, and from there to the website. If you would like to receive our newsletter by email, please get in touch.
Saturday 26th saw Susannah taking part in the "Women of Action" day "Glimpses of Heaven" at Hucknall Church. She was responsible for the hand therapy and massage sessions. During the day she met a member from another church who also feels called to take part in evangelism. They are to meet up later to discuss how this might develop.
On Thursday 31st, Susannah was again pampering at our Grimesthorpe Church, this time at a circuit "Women of Action" Reflections day. A good time was had by all.
February 2011
Some 500 copies of the "Early 2011" leaflet were printed and distributed around the local area. On 13th Feb both Susannah and Jonathan were preaching at our Grimesthorpe Church, Susannah in the morning and Jonathan in the evening. On 20th , Jonathan was preaching at our Philadelphia chapel.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
January 2011
Happy New Year!
Although January is traditionally a quiet month, we did quite a lot and were busy. Early January saw both of us laid rather low with a severe cold, and on Sunday 9th January neither of us were fit to preach and had to ask the congregations at Grimesthorpe Wesleyan Reform and Tapton Hill Congregational to make alternative arrangements. The church party on January 15th needed shopping and a quiz to prepare. Fortunately, a member with a car was available to help with the shopping.
On Wednesday 19th, Jonathan led the fellowship group at our Philadelphia Church on the theme of "The Wise Men". He took along samples of Frankincense and Myrrh and burned them on a charcoal block to demonstrate the smell.
The decisions taken at the Church Meeting will mean work later in the year, but at the present we will be concentrating on the publicity for them. The leaflet for "Early 2011" is in preparation and the Newsletter was produced. ( February 2011 to March 2011) Unfortunately Jonathan did not have his thinking head on when this was being done, and after printing, mistakes and omissions meant the production of two amendment sheets.
Although January is traditionally a quiet month, we did quite a lot and were busy. Early January saw both of us laid rather low with a severe cold, and on Sunday 9th January neither of us were fit to preach and had to ask the congregations at Grimesthorpe Wesleyan Reform and Tapton Hill Congregational to make alternative arrangements. The church party on January 15th needed shopping and a quiz to prepare. Fortunately, a member with a car was available to help with the shopping.
On Wednesday 19th, Jonathan led the fellowship group at our Philadelphia Church on the theme of "The Wise Men". He took along samples of Frankincense and Myrrh and burned them on a charcoal block to demonstrate the smell.
The decisions taken at the Church Meeting will mean work later in the year, but at the present we will be concentrating on the publicity for them. The leaflet for "Early 2011" is in preparation and the Newsletter was produced. ( February 2011 to March 2011) Unfortunately Jonathan did not have his thinking head on when this was being done, and after printing, mistakes and omissions meant the production of two amendment sheets.
Friday, January 21, 2011
November and December 2010
Due to a combination of bad weather, ill-health and overwork we are a bit behind with the blogging, so here are the highlights of the last two months.
For a couple of days before 6th November there was preparation for the catering and the rest of the event. worthy of comment is the effort of David who stripped the turf from the site of the bonfire before the event, (not to mention putting it all back again afterwards).
Susannah preached at the "Christians against Poverty" Service and Jonathan celebrated communion in the evening.
The planning meeting on 10th and the "Created" Christmas fayre on the 13th both had to be prepared for.
Susannah preached at our Philadelphia church on Sunday morning the 14th.
On Thursday 18th we went to the Chrtistmas Fayre at Christ Church Fulwood.
Saturday 20th was the occasion of the visit of the Union President to the Sheffield Circuit, and we celebratoed this with a meal at our Richmond church. The general Secretary, Rev. Colin Braithwaite preached at Mayfield as part of this visit. On Sunday 21st Susannah preached at Tapton Hill Congregational Church in the afternoon, and Jonathan preached at Denby Dale at 6-00p.m.
This latter requiring a train journey and being picked up at Denby Dale station.
Jonathan preached at Mayfield on 28th .
Thursday 2nd December was due to be the circuit meeting, but this was cancelled due to the frost.
Susannah preached at the evening communion on 5th Dec. This was the last scheduled regular evening communion service, due to our decision to hold these services on an "as announced" basis from now on.
Susannah organised the coffee morning on the morning of 11th, and Jonathan preached at Elsecar chapel on Sunday at 6-00p.m. Susannah sang at this service.
The train arrives at Elsecar station at about 2 minutes to six! so the secretary started the service without us with the announcements and the first hymn.
The five courses and carols required a great deal of advance shopping and preparation for a couple of days beforehand. On the day, the meal was a little late starting, because the people who were going to grit the paths and get the place ready were travelling by bus, which terminated early due to the frost!
The rest of the month featured the carol service, carol singing round the valley and the Christmas Day service, a good time was had by all.
For a couple of days before 6th November there was preparation for the catering and the rest of the event. worthy of comment is the effort of David who stripped the turf from the site of the bonfire before the event, (not to mention putting it all back again afterwards).
Susannah preached at the "Christians against Poverty" Service and Jonathan celebrated communion in the evening.
The planning meeting on 10th and the "Created" Christmas fayre on the 13th both had to be prepared for.
Susannah preached at our Philadelphia church on Sunday morning the 14th.
On Thursday 18th we went to the Chrtistmas Fayre at Christ Church Fulwood.
Saturday 20th was the occasion of the visit of the Union President to the Sheffield Circuit, and we celebratoed this with a meal at our Richmond church. The general Secretary, Rev. Colin Braithwaite preached at Mayfield as part of this visit. On Sunday 21st Susannah preached at Tapton Hill Congregational Church in the afternoon, and Jonathan preached at Denby Dale at 6-00p.m.

Jonathan preached at Mayfield on 28th .
Thursday 2nd December was due to be the circuit meeting, but this was cancelled due to the frost.
Susannah preached at the evening communion on 5th Dec. This was the last scheduled regular evening communion service, due to our decision to hold these services on an "as announced" basis from now on.
Susannah organised the coffee morning on the morning of 11th, and Jonathan preached at Elsecar chapel on Sunday at 6-00p.m. Susannah sang at this service.

The five courses and carols required a great deal of advance shopping and preparation for a couple of days beforehand. On the day, the meal was a little late starting, because the people who were going to grit the paths and get the place ready were travelling by bus, which terminated early due to the frost!
The rest of the month featured the carol service, carol singing round the valley and the Christmas Day service, a good time was had by all.
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