April was quite a busy month. After preaching at Grimesthorpe (see last post) Susannah started collecting the bits and pieces we needed for the "Café Church" on the 18th. This included trying to find a jigsaw on the theme of a journey, which was to be the theme. Many charity shops later two suitable jigsaws were found, of differing degrees of difficulty.
Thursday afternoon saw us visiting Church House in Sheffield where we had an appointment to look at the trust deeds for the church. We wanted to be sure who the trustees who hold our property were before the next church meeting. Colin, the general secretary, had been to the bank vault and had retrieved the documents for us.
Saturday was the "Craftastic" needlework day at chapel and Susannah was there progressing her rug and talking to ladies doing a variety of needlework. due to the building and decorating work, this was held in the chapel. A future day to look at Hardanger is planned for 7th May. details are available on our website. The rest of Saturday afternoon , Susannah was shopping for the refreshments for café church.

The evening was spent baking, whilst Jonathan prepared and printed the service materials.
Sunday 18th April was our monthly "Café church" again this was in the chapel rather than the back room due to the work being done. The theme was "Journeys" which was explored by a variety of activities including; jigsaws, colouring, wordsearches, poetry writing, crosswords and quiet.

Refreshments accompanied these activities. Jonathan brought the service to a close after about an hour and a quarter. It was actually quite dificult to stop people at this point. The chapel then had to be rearranged to a more conventional arrangement for the next event.

Wednesday April 21st was the Ladies' meeting and Susannah had to collect the speaker, Kevin Jones, who spoke about his work with "Familia", a children's orphanage and school in India. Later, Susannah had to do the shopping for the supper club because this month, the third Wednesday and the fourth Thursday are in the same month!
Thursday, Susannah represented us at the funeral of a member of another chapel who we have known for many years. Meantime Jonathan was cooking at chapel for the supper club, this involved trying to make Melba toast for 30, whilst minimising the amount burned!. "Dinner will be served at the sound of the smoke alarm"
On Saturday April 24th Susannah was at the "Women of Action" (W.A.) annual general meeting at our Coal Aston Church, This was preceded by prayer and salad lunch, the meeting being held in the afternoon.

In the evening we attended a "Pie and Pea" supper at Tapton Hill Congregational Church, a church where we both preach fairly frequently. On Sunday, Susannah preached for the first time at our Oughtibridge chapel and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the warm welcome she received.

In the evening Jonathan was preaching at our Philadephia chapel.

On Tuesday Susannah met with others to discuss the upcoming Flower festival and decide on a suitable theme. They chose the Ten Commandments.
The rest of the month was spent designing, printing and distributing about 450 leaflets with details of our programme for the next few months, fortunately the weather was largely favourable. If you would like a copy of the leaflet, or anything else, please email us.